Monica Bellucci Best Pictures


Monica Bellucci’s best pictures of all time. Pictures generate income from 2.000.000 fans like, several comments, including exhibition.

Discover a special collection of Monica Bellucci, captured by diverse photographers between 1980s and today.

71. Monica Bellucci

Morning shine… She starts taking a cold shower to the day. Cold shower, the skin maintains the elasticity and argues that tightens. He uses thermal water and revitalizing spray for his face.



  1. Holding you softly touching you and kissing you with a sweet kisses i am saying hallo and sweet evening my lovely Monica…………

  2. Tremendo, espectacular,Mónica creo que eres una actriz que traspasa la ficción a lo real en cada escena en cada gesto, multifacetica en todos los géneros y brindas más de lo que se espera un plus de belleza y glamour únicos,, creo que no hay mujer como tu tan plena,, un sueňo para mi seria que vengas a la Argentina, sería tremendo conectar con tu arte y tu persona,, besos!!..


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