Awesome Monica Bellucci Movies All Time


Films generate income from 1.000.000 fans like, several comments, including theatrical exhibition, home video, television broadcast rights and merchandising.

She made her film debut in 1990, and also holds the distinction of being the oldest Bond girl ever — she was 50 when she appeared in 2015’s Spectre. In addition to her illustrious career, Bellucci has also raised awareness for several causes, from cancer to sperm donation.

Here best movies of Monica Bellucci all time…

10. The Passion of the Christ (2004)

In this version of Christ’s crucifixion, based on the New Testament, Judas expedites the downfall of Jesus (Jim Caviezel) by handing him over to the Roman Empire’s handpicked officials. To the horror of his mother, Mary (Maia Morgenstern), Magdalen (Monica Bellucci), whom he saved from damnation, and his disciples, Jesus is condemned to death. He is tortured as he drags a crucifix to nearby Calvary, where he is nailed to the cross. He dies, but not before a last act of grace.



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